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There is a space between what we say and what we think, and that gap is never fully realized. But we can continue to try to connect the points, and eventually maybe we can get somewhere.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Today on my way to work I decided to stop into a bookstore I frequently visit to see if there was any new magazines. After perusing the racks and not seeing anything I liked, I disappointedly moved to the small (but INCREDIBLE) design section to feed my obsessive visual hunger. At first I decided to treat myself to Jessica Helfand's book on volvelles (an old favorite I've still yet to purchase), but then at second glance saw the most beautiful thing I have seen since finding a German book of typefaces printed in the 1950's in a small used book shop just outside of Ann Arbor last Christmas. It was Taschen's "Type. A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles, Vol. 1." Needless to say I picked it up, and never let go. Taschen always produces the most assiduous, meticulous, and elegant books, and this one in particular has beautiful specimens of type from the 1600s to the 1900s. Not only does it come with three translations (german, english, and french) but it also has over 1000 images! AND the book comes with a little card in the back that has a code to access all the images online to download. It was by far the best 60 dollars I've ever spent, and it definitely made my day.

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