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There is a space between what we say and what we think, and that gap is never fully realized. But we can continue to try to connect the points, and eventually maybe we can get somewhere.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Did you remember to send me that email?

Part of the reason why I've been so unable to reach this blog is because I've also been devoting 50% of my thinking to this package design project we've been working on in one of my classes. I posted some logo options before, but it's evolved way past that now. In doing some research for the packaging I took a few pictures. Here's the first half:


I heart anthropologie!!

Then after some examining, I did some gathering and purchasing:

the people in the container store thought I was crazy- I cleaned off the display on this shelf to examine my own.

Then after some purchasing I did a little designing, and this was my first go at:

Then I just finished the mock up for my second go at, and tomorrow final go at: {a not so great picture}

I'll be sure to upload better images later... and further information about my LOCAL company!

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